
Welcome to my blog. Much like the rest of my life, it's still a work in progress, but you're very welcome to take a look around. I hope you like what you see and read. And if you don't... That's why the comments are disabled. 

One time a video I made got nominated for an award

One time a video I made got nominated for an award

News to nobody at this point, in the winter of 2014, protests erupted across the country after it was announced the officer who shot and killed Michael Brown would not be indicted. Being the little liberal cradle it is, Boston had its own protest, so I grabbed a camera and head out to follow along.

The video I finished with ended up getting nominated for an EVVY, an Emerson College award, and I was very proud of it. So I'm posting it here.

The day after the "No Indictment" decision was released from Ferguson, MO., demonstrators gathered in Boston's Roxbury neighbourhood to protest the case's handling, and the country's attitude towards its African-American citizens. Lloyd Mallison reports.

(It didn't win, but that's not the point.) 

This post is also a plug for the rest of my rather under-utilised Youtube page, where you can find more videos I've made over the past few years; on subjects ranging from BLM protests, to food trucks, to that one time I swore I'd never do a package in the terrible winter storm of 2015 and then did precisely that.

My talent reel is also on there, which I'm sure is a decision I will come to regret in about 20 years time.

Lloyd Mallison Reporter / Talent Reel 2014-2015. lloyd_mallison@emerson.edu @thatbritishgent

And lastly, I worked on some stuff for an Emerson College student's drink company, before he buggered off to New York. My friend Steven Kane and I had a lot of fun working on this, and even though I couldn't really feel my fingers by the end of shooting, at least they matched the brand's colour scheme.

Host Lloyd Mallison takes the streets of Boston to serve organic moments with a twist. Stay tuned for more on The World's First Certified Organic Shirley Temple. TempleTwist.com @templetwist



22 Bostonians on love

22 Bostonians on love

The road trip. Day 9: The Miracle of America

The road trip. Day 9: The Miracle of America